Saturday, June 8, 2013

I need your help

I had the opportunity to witness to two Mormons today. Let's just say that it did not go well. Neither of us would budge. We clearly believe in two different Jesus' and therefore two very different gospels.  That aside,  I need your help. If I was concerned for my soul today and listened to the "gospel" they presented, I would have gone away with no hope.  What they proclaimed was no different than any other man made religion.  So I'm on a quest. What is the biblical gospel? Please comment and let me know. We live in a day of false gospels and untruth. But if God is truth there can be only one true gospel. Anything that deviates from his truth in one point becomes untrue. The Mormon claimed that we were saying the same thing. We could not have been. He clung to a half god and his own works and effort. I cling to Christ alone and the work he did on Calvary. So in the name of gospel accuracy let me know. What would you tell someone who asked you what the gospel is? I'm asking, tell me.

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