Thursday, April 20, 2017

Practical Teaching on Stewardship

Practical Teaching on Stewardship
    What is stewardship? Stewardship is the godly and proper managing of what God has given every believer. The stunning truth is that we own nothing. Everything we have is God's. He blesses and expects his children to take care of what he gives and use his gifts for his glory and the good of others. What this means is that every aspect of life is given as a gift from God. We are not only talking about material things or possessions. Christians are to be good stewards of these, but also time, money, talents, the truth, the body, the mind, the environment, and the gospel.
    Believers are to be good stewards of time. Time ought to be used wisely to draw thoughts toward heaven (Col. 3:2). Christians need to take advantage of the time they have to prepare for eternity (Ps. 90:12). Prayer, Bible study, and communion with the Lord are indispensable to this end. Remember, time is fleeting. We need to take advantage of the short amount of time we have on this earth to glorify God and serve mankind (Eph. 5:15-16; Jms. 4:14). Time is passing away. We cannot save time, buy more time, or make up time. Once it is gone, it is gone. Time is also uncertain (Prov. 27:1). We do not know how long we have.
     What are some other truths about time? Believers are held accountable for how they spend the time allotted them (Rom. 14:12; Heb. 5:12). Time is easily wasted, taken for granted, lost, and even ignored. Time is owned by God (Ps. 31:15). Eternity gives meaning and purpose to the temporal (Rom. 13:11; 2Cor. 4:18). Opportunities must not be wasted; they may not present themselves again (Ecc. 8:5; Col. 4:5). How believers spend their time is a reflection of their priorities (Matt. 6:19-21, 34). Be wise with your time. Budget the use of your time. Allow and schedule time for Bible study, prayer, family, worship, relaxing, work, ministry, etc. What are your priorities? What occupies most of your time? Is this pleasing to God?
     God, the Creator, owns everything (Ps. 24:1; 1Cor. 10:26). Our money is included; it is God who blesses financially. How Christians use their money is an act of worship. When believers give, they are reflecting their faith in the provisions of God. Of all people, Christians ought to be sacrificial and generous with what God has given. It is their responsibility to support the ministry of the local church, church leaders, the needs of others, and the spread of the gospel around the world (missions). Giving should be done cheerfully (2Cor. 9:7). We do not give to receive but to be a blessing to others. Also, we ought to be content with what the Lord has provided (Phil. 4:11; 1Tim. 6:8; Heb. 13:5).
     What motivates you? Why do you give? Why don't you give? What do you spend the majority of your money on? How do you spend extra money? Beware of greed or being to preoccupied with money. Trust the Lord and his provisions. Be thankful for what God has given. Do not let money become an idol. How can you better serve God with what he has given?
Gifts and Talents
     Believers are to use their gifts and abilities to glorify the Lord and serve others (Rom. 12:6; 1Pet. 4:10). Some believers are gifted musicians, artists, singers, athletes, doctors, farmers, speakers, educators, administrators, businessmen, etc. There are many other gifts and abilities given by the Lord. Whatever they are, use your gifts and aptitude to worship the Lord and benefit man. It is also important to trust the providence of God. He has gifted you and placed you exactly where he desires. He has a plan and a purpose.
     How do you use your talents? Are you glorifying God with your abilities? Do not measure yourself to others? Beware of always comparing yourself to other people. Be content and thankful for your unique gifts and talents from God. Do not covet another's gifts.
     Christians are to be good stewards of the truth. This begins by being a serious student of the word of God. It is the responsibility of every believer to be in the word and sit under the: word. After all, believers have a part to play in their growth (Jn. 8:31-32, 17:17). Believers are born again by the word of God and are called to receive and apply it (Jms. 1:18-25). The importance of Bible study cannot be overstated. The word must be read, studied, and meditated upon in order to mature and become equipped for good works (2Tim. 3:16-17). God is a God of truth. His children should love the truth and be good stewards of it for the glory of God and good of others.
    Do you desire the truth? Do you recognize error? Do you hunger for the word of God? Are you part of a Bible believing and preaching church? How do you share the truth? Are you changed by the truth?
Other Areas of Stewardship
     Christians are to be good stewards of their bodies (Rom. 12:1; 1Cor. 6:19-20). We are to take care of ourselves, get plenty of rest, eat healthy foods, exercise, work hard, be safe, and worship God with our bodies.
     The mind must not be neglected. We are to be stewards of our minds (Rom. 12:2; 1Pet. 1:13). Worship God with your thoughts. Beware of negative and sinful thoughts. Beware of what you are feeding your mind. Take time to think. This is often neglected or ignored in our fast-paced world today. Slow down and meditate on the word of God and things of God.
     Believers should be good stewards of their environment (Gen. 1:28-30). We should be responsible and not wasteful. Look for ways to clean up around you. Recycle.
     Finally, be a good steward of the gospel (1Cor. 9:16-17; Col. 1:25; 1Thess. 2:4). Be thankful for the gospel. Share the gospel with others. We have a responsibility. Witness for Christ. Live out the gospel. Preach the gospel to yourself daily. Repent and trust in Christ. Support missions. Look for ways to evangelize and disciple. The gospel is the greatest gift God has given mankind! Don't be a bad steward of God's gift.

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