Friday, July 15, 2016

Spiritual Evaluation: Am I Growing as a Christian?

Spiritual Evaluation:
Am I Growing as a Christian?

    Christians are growing. We are either growing more like Christ or growing more complacent and apathetic. But grow we must. Growth is the Christian life. We are to grow in Christlikeness and grace, love and kindness toward others, service and sacrifice, and love and devotion for God. The Holy Spirit indwells believers and is at work. He transforms believers into the image of Christ. It is through the work of the Spirit that believers grow.
    One of the key ways for Christians to grow is to practice silence and solitude. This is being silent and away from noise, people, interruptions, and distractions in order to focus on God, pray, read Scripture, and think. This is done to worship God (Hab. 2:20), to pray (Lk. 5:16), to express faith and seek after God (Ps. 46:10, 62:1-6; Is. 30:15), to seek deliverance (Lam. 3:25-28), and for restoration (Mk. 6:31).
    If Christians are to grow, it would prove helpful to stop once in a while to evaluate this growth. This is done to improve and in order to grow more. Negative patterns may be discovered and corrected. This may also motivate a person to grow. The goal is maturity and Christlikeness. Goals are not achieved if they are never thought of, evaluated, striven for, or reassessed.
    One way to measure growth or to evaluate your spiritual life is to ask and answer a series of questions. What follows are suggestions. You do not have to ask every question every time you evaluate yourself. Also, we must beware of legalism. Christians do not merely follow a list of do's and don'ts in order to mature. We grow because the Spirit compels us and we desire to mature. So, do not just check off a list. Be honest and examine your heart. Look at your life and that will reveal your heart. Then with the aid of the Spirit and the grace of God, make changes in order to grow.
    Do I pray fervently? Do I have a pattern of prayer? Do I pray often? Do I have a set time for praying? Do my actions and speech bring glory to God? Am I thankful? Do I think on the little things? What am I zealous for? Am I hot or cold spiritually? Am I repentant? Do I have a hunger for the word of God? Do I regularly feed on the word? Do I sit under the preached word? Do I strive to apply the word of God to my life and live according to God's truth? Am I submissive? How is my attitude toward others? How is my attitude toward authority?
    What am I praying for? Have any prayers been answered? Do I thank God for answered prayers? What reveals pride in my life? Am I jealous or envious? Do I compare myself to others? Do I complain a lot? What takes up most of time? What occupies my thoughts? Are my relationships growing? How am I ministering to others? Is the love of Christ evident in my life? Is my spiritual appetite increasing? Is there any evidence of apathy? Do I finish what I start? Have I set and achieved any goals? Is God glorified by my life? Do I share the gospel?
    Am I bearing spiritual fruit? What motivates me? Do I have a desire to commune with God? Do I enjoy fellowshiping with the Lord's people? Am I growing in my hatred of sin? Am I convicted when I sin? Do I have joy? What often robs me of my joy? Do I worship God no matter the circumstances? Do I see an ever increasing need for the grace of God? Am I growing in humility? Am I a good steward of all that God has given me? Am I dependent on the Spirit or do I rely on the flesh?
    Again, these are only suggested questions. As you can see, these are penetrating and if answered honestly will reveal the condition of your heart and life. Now what? Repent and pray that the Lord will help you to grow. None of us are perfect. We all have room for improvement. We have not yet arrived so there is work to be done. Get to work! It will not be easy. Nothing that is worth it ever is. But, it is necessary and very beneficial. And, you are not alone. Remember, the Father desires for you to grow and glorify him, Christ is interceding for you, and the Spirit lives within you.

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