Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Sinfulness of Sin

How sinful is sin?  Well, man willingly chooses an eternity of torment for only a few fleeting moments of pleasure; we would rather accumulate silver and gold instead of riches in glory.  There is an anchor for the soul and there is a weight that instead of keeping the soul firm and in place, pulls it down into the black depths.  Sin is the natural man’s joy and purpose for living.  It is an unsatiable hunger; a thirst that cannot be quenched.  And it springs from delight, all things do.  Either a delight in self and sin or a delight in God.  Man desires to be happy.  But the problem arises in where that happiness is found.  The unregenerate seeks joy in sin and is driven by pride and self-love.  The regenerate finds that joy in God and enjoys glorifying God by relishing God glorifying himself and making that glory known and understood (to a degree) by his creatures.  Oh the contrariness of it all!  Truly, we are speaking of and comparing light and darkness, life and death, heaven and hell, deliverance and damnation. 
How sinful is sin?  Man would rather believe that we came from monkeys instead of being created by God and in his image.  That is sinful!  Man hates the Lord so much they would cling to something so ridiculous and impossible.  Truly, death is the ungodly’s shepherd (Ps. 49:14).  Death leads, guides, teaches, demoralizes, warps, perverts, abuses, and debases.  Oh, that live coals would be brought from God’s alter and take away our guilt and atone for our sin (Is. 6:6-7).

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