Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Self-examination (part 3) How Do You Examine Yourself Spiritually?

How does one examine themself?  Prayerfully.  A person must ask God to enlighten his or her mind in order to see his truth.  Ask God to apply his word to the heart.  Beg for conviction of sin and to be convinced of truth.  Seek to understand the word of God, don’t just read it.  Pray to God; talk to him.  Pray for grace!  Pray for holy affections.  You don’t have because you do not ask.
Look at your life.  Are you bearing any fruit?  Are you growing in the knowledge of Christ?  Do you desire communion and fellowship with Jesus?  Is there a longing to be in the word?  Do you long for a closer walk?  Do you hate sin?  Are you apathetic?  What do you compare yourself to, others or God?  What is your standard, the world or the word?   Are you any different now then when you were an unbeliever?  Are you convicted when you sin?  Do you have joy?  What do you base salvation on, something you did or the finished work of Christ?  Is your life characterized by humble repentance?  Or, are you puffed up with pride, love sin, and are unrepentant?  Are you in Christ?  Do you trust him alone for salvation?  Or, are you clinging to your works?  Accomplishments?  Pedigree?  Knowledge?  Or something else?  
The Christian life is a journey, a pilgrimage.  Sanctification is a process.  The Spirit works in us and then we serve, seek, pray, worship, grow, mature, learn from sin and failures, seek some more, pray without ceasing, etc.  But, we have to look at ourselves.  Examine yourself and look for pride and other sin.  Also, examine motives.  Why do you do the things you do?  Is it for recognition?  Is it to satisfy yourself?  Is it to silence your conscience?  Is it to earn God’s favor?  Or, is it because you are genuinely converted and love serving God by loving and ministering to others?  Do you desire to glorify God in all things? 

Examination is hard work.  It also hurts.  It is painful to discover sin and tendencies in our lives that are not honoring to God.  It is necessary, however.  It is very beneficial.  But, this takes time and practice.  Self-examination is not to be done in a few minutes once a month.  No, it is to be habitual.  We are to examine ourselves constantly.  There is always room for improvement and growth.  We have not arrived yet, we are still passing through.  This world is not our home.  Hopefully, if you call yourself a Christian you stand out from the world.  The Bible compares this to light and darkness.  Are you in the light or in the dark? 
So, Christians examine themselves by praying, reading and meditating on the word of God, honestly looking at motives, checking the fruit being produced (good or rotten), contemplating God in order to humble self, learning from Christ, and having an attitude conducive to growth and Christlikeness.  It should be the desire of every believer to want to mature and grow.  If the Spirit converted a sinner and indwells him, then there has to be progressive development.  God cannot and will not fail.  He will bring all of his to glory, they will be like Christ, they will serve him, they will worship and praise him, they will seek him and honor him. 
It is important to remember that we cannot do this ourselves.  We are completely dependant on God and his grace.  He changes our hearts and renews our affections.  He draws us and convicts us.  We are poor and needy; we need his grace.  Pray for grace!  Oh, Lord transform us, change us.  For your glory, Lord, do a work in your people.  Soli Deo Gloria.

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