Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Beware of Counterfeit Gospels

Counterfeit gospels abound.  “For those who guide this people have been leading them astray, and those who are guided by them are swallowed up” (Is. 9:16).  “Evil people and imposters will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived” (2 Tim. 3:13).  “Vain is the salvation of man” (Ps. 60:11).  It will be no different for teachers and preachers of false gospels as it was for the Babylonian king; “maggots are laid as a bed beneath you, and worms are your covers” (Is. 14:11).  False gospels are subtle.  They usually contain enough truth to make it credible but something wrong that makes it damning. 
The first forgery is “Christian” pluralism.  Religious pluralism is the idea that all religions are basically the same and lead to the same god.  This god is simply known and approached in different ways and by other names.  In the end, all roads lead to god.  Christian pluralism, on the other hand, admits that Jesus is the only way of salvation.  However, there are many ways that lead to him.  Everyone who is religious is worshiping Jesus, they may just know him by another name.  These people worship according to the amount of revelation they possess.  God looks at the heart so he knows the motives and sincerity behind a persons actions and devotion.  God will always give the benefit of the doubt based on the persons earnestness.  This, simply, is not biblical in the least.  Salvation is only in and through Jesus Christ, and yes, you need to know his name (Acts 4:12)!
A second counterfeit gospel is easy believism.  One of the main tenants of easy believism is decisional regeneration.  God has done all that he could so now it is up to man to decide to follow or reject Christ.  This cheapens grace by placing God in debt to man and by making man out to be sovereign over salvation.  Redemption is no longer by the grace of God but a person’s decisions and actions.  All a person has to do to get “saved” is go down to the alter during the invitation, walk the aisle, raise a hand and admit that you are a sinner (something every demon knows), sign a card, or whatever else man has invented.  A favorite is the sinners prayer.  A seeker is instructed to repeat a prayer after the person leading them to Christ.  A formulaic prayer is repeated and then the seeker is assured of salvation and told to never doubt because God cannot fail. 
Of course, the true gospel is not proclaimed.  Therefore, a sinner is not encouraged or commanded to repent and trust Christ alone for deliverance.  It rests solely on man’s ability and choice.  Decisional regeneration is very elementary.  The gospel and Christ are usually left undefined.  Although mankind is not saved by knowledge, they must acknowledge and understand key components of the good news and person of Christ in order to be saved.
This false gospel costs nothing.  Since there is no repentance (or only lip-service to it) there is no sorrow for sin.  I can be saved and live on my own terms.  What a deal, it’s so easy.  Also, it appears to be based on impure motives.  People are exhorted to get saved in order to get to heaven, see loved ones that have gone on before, fix a muddled life, be free from guilt, escape judgment, and gain benefits as children of God.  Often, salvation is only an emotional experience brought on by the terrors of hell, feelings of guilt and remorse, or the natural desire to preserve oneself (self-love). 
Easy believism appears to incorporate works as well.  Salvation does not rest entirely on the finished work of Christ, but (those who adhere to this scheme will deny this charge) on what a person must do or decide.  It is in the hands of the sinner.  The sinner must pray a prayer, walk an aisle, do this or that.  Free will is elevated to unbiblical proportions.  Man can simply choose to follow Christ wherever and whenever he pleases.  Man is depraved and an enemy of God.  He will not choose God under any circumstance unless God does a work in the heart first. 
Thirdly, the prosperity gospel is a counterfeit.  These charlatans promise health and wealth in this life.  They twist the scriptures and tell people what they want to hear: God will bless them and meet all of their physical, financial, and emotional needs.  Not many appear to recognize or care that this is completely materialistic in nature- it legitimalizes worldliness, something the word of God condemns!  Besides, who would want their best life now?  If that’s the case, what will heaven be like?  If the best is here and now, I’m not really sure I want to go to heaven!  If I can have it all now on earth doesn’t that make heaven hell?  Naturally, the focus is taken from Christ and his finished work on the cross and placed on man.  The spiritual is replaced by the material thus making this gospel humanistic, selfish, greed-driven, and earthly. 
The prosperity gospel has a wrong and very shallow view of God.  God exists, it seems, to serve and bless us.  He can be bought, manipulated, cornered, and even commanded.  Legalism is alive and well where this gospel is preached.  People work, worship, and pray in order to gain God’s favor.  Another characteristic is that God doesn’t appear to be as holy and concerned with sin as the Bible portrays.  Everything revolves around blessings and learning how to get God to give us more and do our will.
It should come as no surprise, since God is distorted and warped into something he’s not, that mankind is also perceived mendaciously.  Sin is not the main issue.  If addressed at all, sin is downgraded to a secondary issue or to a non-essential.  The concern is situated on the present needs, or what are ascertained as needs, of man and how we can live the life God intends for all of his children to have.  It would seem that the greatest sin is not achieving one’s potential.  Gone is depravity, pride, guilt, shame, and anything else that would hinder a “believer” from getting all that he deserves and is entitled to in the Lord. 
Astonishingly, health and wealth adherents have a wrong perspective on Christ and the cross (I hope my sarcasm wasn’t lost on you).  Christianity has been stripped bare and all that remains is enough verbiage to please the flesh, feed greed, entertain the goats, and appeal to the selfishness of the unregenerate.  This gospel would have us believe that Christ died only to conquer our enemies and empower us to declare and call into existence whatever we want to satisfy our carnality.  The believer is not a slave to Christ, he is our servant and seeks only to meet our needs.  Obviously, this is a man-made attempt to build a tower to reach the heavens and make a name for humanity.  These are accursed and will cry “Lord, Lord” on the day of judgment while Jesus reveals that he did not know them.  God open the eyes of the deceived.  Have mercy!
Fourthly, the therapeutic gospel is a fake.  It will be noticed that most of these false gospels borrow from each other.  Nothing is new under the sun.  The therapeutic gospel focuses on felt needs.  It seeks to answer the questions, “how can we be better people, have more meaningful relationships, and contribute to society?”  Another question, perhaps the central one, is, “how can we feel better about ourselves and be successful?”  God becomes nothing more than a self-help guru or a life coach.  Preaching is nothing more than pep talks designed to make people feel good.  There is no pulpit because scripture is not the final authority.  Besides, if a preacher actually proclaimed the word of God, sin might be exposed and toes stepped on- that may make people feel guilty.  “Believe in yourself” is the mantra that is cherished. 
Some of the problems with this gospel is the glaring absence of sin and its consequences.  Without these, there is no need of grace, Christ, or the cross.  Also, since man is depraved, should he be trusted to identify his needs?  What we think we need and what God says we need are two different things.  Further, the Bible is not interested in inflating our self-esteem.  The opposite is true.  The word of God humbles prideful man and reveals that the needs of man can only be found in the redemption of Christ.  An idol is placed on God’s throne.  This god is not angry with man, has no wrath to be appeased, isn’t as holy as the Bible makes him out to be, loves everyone and only wants what is best for us.  What a great guy!  It looks as though God is on the therapists couch and needs our help.  He has anger issues, is a megalomaniac, is insecure, jealous, and wants to be liked.  He even fears rejection.  Heresy!  What blasphemy! 
These false gospels all tread under foot Christ and his atoning death on the cross.  What is really important is what we think is right and needed.  Who is this God who has the audacity to demand from us and command us to worship and obey him?  We’ll create a religion that suits us and makes us comfortable.  The God of the Bible is not convenient or lovable.  It cannot be God alone.  Sinful man desires God (not the God of Scripture) and, fill in the blank.  God and health; God and wealth; God and my Sundays; God and salvation on my terms.  Deplorable.  These will open their eyes one day in eternity, and with the demons and damned souls will cry out for mercy and deliverance from the wrath of the Lamb.  None will ever come.  There is no mercy, no reprieve, no comfort, no rest, no breaks, no hope, no end to the misery and torment.  God takes his gospel very seriously.  Beware of false gospels; beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing.
        The true gospel is repentance and faith in Christ because he is the sinners substitute.  He did what sinful humanity could never do: make atonment for sin.  He is the GOD/MAN and offered a perfect sacrifice for sin thereby propitiating the wrath of the Father.  Now, salvation is proclaimed and all men everywhere are commanded to repent and believe in Christ.

Extract from The Faith of Demons: What They Believe Doesn't Save You! by Rick Muchewicz

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