Sunday, June 2, 2013

Christian contentment

What does it mean to be content? I heard a man preach this morning who is on his way to a third world country in a few weeks. He will spend the next two years training pastors.  God be praised for men who obey the call to literally sell all and go overseas. This man is content with the grace God has provided thus far to accomplish this great work.
My friend preached from Philippians 4:11-13 and dealt with Paul's joy and contentment while in a Roman prison. Paul used every opportunity given to glorify God. Oh but how we complain and murmer about circumstances. This is sin. This is rebellion against God. In essence we are saying that we know better than God how to manage our lives.  Oh the pride. We actually act as if we are on God's throne ruling and reigning.
So, how are we to be content? Trust in the sovereignty of God. That's it. If he is sovereign and controls all things that means our lives and circumstances come from him. He has a purpose for everything and we are privileged to glorify him with all that he has given.  That includes calamity. Wow! Our God is amazing. He is gracious and loving too. That means that we don't gripe and complain, but trust and grow. We need better perspective. Instead of focusing on ourselves and circumstances, we look for ways to glorify God. Focus on him and how to serve him by ministering to others.  There are no accidents with God,  only opportunities.  You can sin or serve; gripe or glorify God. Be content where God has placed you. Don't compare yourself to others.  Pray for grace.

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